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খ ইউনিট : 2011-2012 || জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় || 2011


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relative pronoun
demonstrative pronoun
personal pronoun
interrogative pronoun
I would not accept
I would accept
I had accept
I would have gone for
The job was difficult to get
The job was not easy to do
The job was not sailing a ship
The job was easy to do
loves good food
works in a gas-field
known astronomy
suffers from gastric ulcer
where does he live
where is he live
where he does live
where he lives
চোর পালালে বুদ্ধি বাড়ে
আগে দর্শনধারী,পরে গুনবিচারী
ভাবিয়া করিও কাজ করিয়া ভাবিও না
গাছে কাঁঠাল গোঁফে তেল
Each of them have five minutes to do the job
Karim as well as Rahim has visited the zoo
Many a man come to see the temple every year
Neither you nor I are to blame
take many words otherwise would
would take to many otherwise words
many words to take otherwise
would otherwise take many words to
Inspite the delay he arrived on time
Inspite the delay he arrived at time
In spite the delay he arrived on time
Despite the delay he arrived in time
the scavenger of Nature
a bird that does not sleep at night
the harbinger of spring
the queen of the forest
Laila said that when she had got home she found that she had lost her umbrella.
Laila said that when she got home she found that she had lost her umbrella.
Laila said that when she got home she found that she lost her umbrella.
Laila said that when she got home she found she lost her umbrella.
In winter we went to Cox's Bazar to see the longest sea beach in the world
In winter it is beautiful to see the longest sea beach in Cox's Bazar
In winter we wented to see the longest sea beach of Cox's Bazar
In winter Cox's Bazar was the longest sea beach to see

A most important truth, which we are apt to forget is dot a teacher can no er truly teach unless he is still learning. himself. A lamp can never light another lamp unless it continues to burn its c :Tame. The t teacher who has come to the end of his subject. who has no living traffic with his knowledge, but merely repeats his lesson to his students, can only load their minds; he cannot quicken them. Truth not only must inform but inspire. If the inspiration dies cut, and the information only accumulates, then truth loses its infinity. The greater cart of our learning in the schools has been wasted became, for most • our teachers, their subjects are like dead specimens of once living things. with which they have a learned acquaintance but no communication of life and love.
the teachers deal with dead subjects
the teachers do not love the subjects they teach
most of the good teacheis are dead
the teachers cannot communicate